Diary of a Dominatrix

Diving In Unobstructed (An Essay)

The thing about being energetically erect and intact (one’s natural state), and not playing (making moves) unless and until it’s still, is that it perfectly fucks with whatever matter I’m currently holding on to.

The exact shit that’s here to be burned by the fire of ME.

It also perfectly fucks with the shit of whoever I’m playing with.

If there are any strings of attachment (hoping / waiting / needing / trying / expecting / victimizing / or whatever other bullshit that needs to go), I don’t touch it.

Because it’s an energetic turn off.

But if I feel turned on despite and because of the matter, it means that the shit is ready to get fucked up and I’m the bitch to do it.

Ultimately though, I play where it’s clear.

Where I sense no limits, no restrictions, no actual end in sight.

Just a wide open space to dive into unobstructed.

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Fuck Trust (An Essay)

My work has nothing to do with trust.

There is no ‘building’ it, ‘maintaining’ it, or ‘breaking’ it.

It’s all (and only) about the energy.

When it’s pure, we play.

When it’s not, we don’t.

It’s not, and will never be, about trust.

That’s what people who deny their power need to believe is necessary for them to step fully into truth.

But you don’t need to trust another.

You need to trust yourself.

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